
Please note that the fields marked with a (*) are mandatory. Check the dates in the calendar at the bottom of the page.


By submitting this form, the participant agrees that She/He has fully understood the Ts&Cs and that She/He accepts them.


Please read carefully the section related to cancellation fees HERE.


Once your completed booking form has been received and the availability of the selected tour verified, endurafrica will send you a quote.

A deposit of 25% will then be required to confirm the booking.

Code Duration Riding days Start/End Price per PAX
NAM-11 11 days* 9 days Cape Town ZAR 75’300
NAM-12 12 days 12 days Cape Town ZAR 78’500
NAM-15 15 days 15 days Cape Town ZAR 87’800

(*) includes 2 x one day drive by car to/from Springbok (560km)

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